3 Steps to Help Keep your Propeller Blades in Top Condition


May 28, 2018 Edward Nelson

  • Wooden propeller blades:

All you need to be able to clean wooden blades is some mild detergent and warm water. Wooden blades also use brushes or cloth to clean the dirt and grime off the propellers.  

  • Steel and aluminum propeller blades:

You can get the blades clean by using a proper cleaning solvent. Make sure you wash with a cloth or a brush. Stay away from steel brushes, power buffers, or steel wool, those types of materials can cause scratches on the propeller if they are applied with too much force.  Make sure to clean off all trace of polish after the polishing operation is complete. After the blades are cleanly put a coat of engine oil on them. 

  • Remove grease:

Add Stoddard Solvent, or it’s commensurate with a clean cloth and wipes the part down. Use a non-acerbic soap product to get all the dirt and grim off the propeller. After making sure to rinse the blades down with fresh water. If you want to use a high polish, make sure you wipe the blades clean of any left-over polish when you are done.  

Charge the Propeller Air Dome:

  • First, you must check to make sure you have the correct manual before you do any maintenance on aircraft propeller parts. Then check to see if the propeller is on the start locks with the appropriate control. After all those steps check out, charge the cylinder on medium with nitrogen or dry ice.  


  • Hydromatic propellers run with engine oil. However, some propellers that are sealed don’t require lubrication. Aircraft Propellers that require grease and oils for pitch change drive and hub lubricants are the electric propellers. To properly lubricate these propellers there are certain specifications you must follow that are found in the manufacturer’s instructions. 

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